Category Archives: Psychotherapy

It Works! Why You Should Try Neurofeedback

Posted on July 21, 2010

In 1999 I added Neurofeedback Training to my psychotherapy practice and have been using it ever since to help clients improve how their brain regulates itself so they feel better, think better, and perform at their peak.  I have helped my clients improve: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep, ability to concentrate and sit still, grades,(read more)

ADHD and Business Development: Three Steps I Used to Create my Home Study System for Parents

Posted on September 25, 2009

I created a Home Study System (HSS) for Parents titled A Holistic Approach to Successful Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Here’s the three step process I used to do it. Step 1: Planning First I looked at my goal. My goal is to help people feel better, think better, and perform at their absolute peak. I(read more)

Tuning Up Your Brain

Posted on January 15, 2009

Imagine a world where you could place electrodes on your head, send your brainwaves to a computer, and control a video game without using your hands, just by changing your brainwaves. Picture a world where you could teach your brain to perform better. Perhaps you could improve your IQ, concentrate better, or sleep better. Maybe you(read more)