Tag Archives: Power of Intention

Is Technology Impacting Your Productivity and Happiness?

Everywhere you look today you see evidence of rapidly advancing technology. This, the digital era, has seen an explosion of smartphones, tablets, wearable monitoring devices and on-going research into numerous ways to enhance our capability as humans. As I’ve discussed in previous blog posts, many if not most of us and our children have unwittingly(read more)

Wayne Dyer Taught Me These Skills

As you may know, Wayne Dyer passed away a couple of weeks ago. I was first introduced to Wayne in my 20’s when I read his first book Your Erroneous Zones. I was fascinated and intrigued as I read many more of his books and watched his PBS specials and applied his teachings to my(read more)

The Power of Intention: 5 Steps to Make It Work for You

How often do you think about accomplishing a goal in your life or business and feel frustrated that you never seem achieve it? Have you ever set out to do a project or chore and realized later that you never got it done? Do you wish you could eat healthier, exercise more, save for a(read more)

5 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season

Once Thanksgiving has come and gone the growing to-do list, activities, and the accompanying stress can sometimes be overwhelming.  Whether the increasing demands are due to religious holidays or simply the end of the year tasks at work or in your business you may experience fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and poor performance. Here are 5(read more)

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