Tag Archives: reduce stress
Did You Know Stress Can Be Deadly?

Stress Can Be Deadly Stress is anything that places a demand on you and forces you to adjust. It can stem from something positive (such as a new puppy, or a new job) or negative (such as an illness, losing a job, or simply not having enough time to do everything). It’s not the stress(read more)
Sick and Tired of Feeling Tired?

Do you struggle with feeling tired all the time, or even a lot? Do you have a sense that you are running on empty or nearly empty as you go about fulfilling your daily responsibilities? Do you wish you had more energy? Are you sick and tired of feeling tired? I had to learn some(read more)
3 Ways to Stress Less in Your Life and Work

Do you ever feel stressed out, overwhelmed, exhausted? Yes? Then you are not alone. Life and work can be very busy, incredibly demanding and amazingly stressful. Even positive things can end up feeling stressful such as weddings, new work, moving. Here are 3 steps you can take to lower the stress and lower your own(read more)
Blog Hop: 3 Must-Have Mindfulness Skills for Success in the New Year

Mindfulness has been getting a lot of positive press lately. And for good reason! Practicing mindfulness has been shown to improve physical and emotional health, brain function, and overall life satisfaction. Many are finding they can actually increase their income when they practice mindfulness skills regularly. What is mindfulness? According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness is(read more)
4 Ways to Focus Your Concentration

We live in a very distracting world with so many things vying for our attention all at the same time. We often wear many hats: parent, caregiver for our parent, spouse, employee, entrepreneur and more. Between our many commitments and the demands of our work, home life, and social life we may find it difficult(read more)
Top 10 Steps to Be Mindfully Happy Today

It is easier than you think to improve your happiness. Mindfulness skills have been shown to improve mood, life satisfaction, health, and even change the structure and function of our brain. Here are 10 simple steps you can use every day to increase your mindfulness and your life. 1. Stop and pay attention to your(read more)
5 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season

Once Thanksgiving has come and gone the growing to-do list, activities, and the accompanying stress can sometimes be overwhelming. Whether the increasing demands are due to religious holidays or simply the end of the year tasks at work or in your business you may experience fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and poor performance. Here are 5(read more)
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