Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder
Posted on June 21, 2021
We continuously experience a variety of emotions throughout the day. Our emotions run the gamut with some that feel good, others unpleasant or so-so and some that feel downright awful. Being mindful of our emotions helps us access our Emotional Guidance System. This gives us important information that can guide us in the right direction(read more)

Posted on March 23, 2021
Have you ever wondered if you or your family member received an accurate diagnosis? Have you ever been diagnosed with something only to discover later that it was something else? Have you had treatment that wasn’t working and found out that the diagnosis was incorrect? Many illnesses have symptoms in common with one another and(read more)

Posted on June 24, 2018
Recently I was asked what my purpose or mission is in life. At first, I said that throughout my career as a psychotherapist and neurotherapist my mission has been to help other people feel better and perform at their peak. But after some more thought I realized that my deeper mission is to experience contentment(read more)

Posted on September 15, 2014
If you are like most people there have been times in your life when you felt down, sad, and depressed. Typically this feeling is short lived and passes pretty quickly. But when it doesn’t go away and hangs around for too long, then you may be dealing with an episode of major depression. Major depression(read more)

Posted on August 29, 2013
I am so excited to announce the release of my latest book, Mindfulness Skills Workbook for Clinicians and Clients. 111 Tools, Techniques, Activities and Worksheets. This book is being described as the most comprehensive mindfulness skills workbook available! Help me make this book a bestseller by ordering it TODAY at Mindfulness Skills Workbook! You may(read more)

Posted on May 16, 2013
This is the second post in a two-post series, covering all aspects of Bipolar Disorder. If you would like to read the first post, please click here. Speaking with, and working with a coworker or client who has Bipolar Disorder is difficult, but all it takes is a little bit of understanding. If you understand(read more)

Posted on May 10, 2013
By now, a lot of us have met someone who suffers from Bipolar Disorder. However, most people are not familiar with how to create a successful relationship with a person who has Bipolar Disorder, and that can cause extreme frustration for both parties. While there is adequate support for those who suffer with this disorder,(read more)