Category Archives: Neurofeedback

ADHD and Business Development: Three Steps I Used to Create my Home Study System for Parents

Posted on September 25, 2009

I created a Home Study System (HSS) for Parents titled A Holistic Approach to Successful Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Here’s the three step process I used to do it. Step 1: Planning First I looked at my goal. My goal is to help people feel better, think better, and perform at their absolute peak. I(read more)

It’s Your Brain: Are You Protecting It?

Posted on June 23, 2009

Protecting your brain is an extremely important component of optimum brain fitness. Damage can occur in a variety of ways including obvious ones like accidents and illness. But be wary of those cleaning products and even cosmetics that we expose ourselves and our children to on a routine basis. Just think how your bathroom smells after(read more)

Depressed? How to Feel Better Fast

Posted on March 25, 2009

Everyone has normal ups and downs in how they feel. Sometimes an episode of feeling down or sad turns into Depression and persists for some time. And sometimes depression is a result of a medical condition. Whether you bounce back quickly from feeling depressed or whether you suffer from chronic or recurrent episodes of Major Depression,(read more)

Tuning Up Your Brain

Posted on January 15, 2009

Imagine a world where you could place electrodes on your head, send your brainwaves to a computer, and control a video game without using your hands, just by changing your brainwaves. Picture a world where you could teach your brain to perform better. Perhaps you could improve your IQ, concentrate better, or sleep better. Maybe you(read more)

Did You Know That Stress Can Kill?

Posted on January 15, 2009

Did you know that 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are due to stress-related illness? We’ve all heard about stress: what causes it, what it does to us. But have you really thought about the stressors in your life? And have you developed healthy habits for managing stress? Today’s article will give you a(read more)

Break Free from the Same Old Rut by Changing Your Mind

Posted on January 15, 2009

Until the last 10-15 years, scientist believed that our brains were essentially hardwired and we were not able to change them much over our lifetime. More recent research has proven without a doubt that we do have the ability to change our minds; that in fact we can actually change the neurons and neuronal networks in(read more)