Tag Archives: Mindfulness of thoughts
4 Steps to Help You Notice and “Take in the Good”

Soon after I listened to Dr Rick Hanson’s audiobook, The Enlightened Brain*, I had the delightful pleasure of meeting him in person at a mindfulness conference where we were both speaking. Rick is a thought leader in the field of mindfulness and a #1 NY Times Best Selling author. He is also a warm and(read more)
Wayne Dyer Taught Me These Skills

As you may know, Wayne Dyer passed away a couple of weeks ago. I was first introduced to Wayne in my 20’s when I read his first book Your Erroneous Zones. I was fascinated and intrigued as I read many more of his books and watched his PBS specials and applied his teachings to my(read more)
Stop Watching the Worry Channel

Anxiety can feel overwhelming. It often makes us feel out of control and can lead to being anxious about being anxious. And the more we worry, the more we program and hard-wire our brain to worry. We can change the channel from our worry channel to our calm/relaxed/happy channel. This is because we can deliberately(read more)
Top 10 Steps to Be Mindfully Happy Today

It is easier than you think to improve your happiness. Mindfulness skills have been shown to improve mood, life satisfaction, health, and even change the structure and function of our brain. Here are 10 simple steps you can use every day to increase your mindfulness and your life. 1. Stop and pay attention to your(read more)
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