Category Archives: Fear

Do You Use Your Emotional Guidance System?

Posted on June 21, 2021

We continuously experience a variety of emotions throughout the day.  Our emotions run the gamut with some that feel good, others unpleasant or so-so and some that feel downright awful. Being mindful of our emotions helps us access our Emotional Guidance System.  This gives us important information that can guide us in the right direction(read more)

How to Create the Life You Want This Year

Posted on January 4, 2021

Is your life working the way you want it to?  As you look back over the past year how do you feel about your life?  Are you content with how it felt? Can you imagine living your life differently, achieving more, loving more, having more fun, slowing down and being more mindful, or attracting more(read more)

4 Steps to Help You Notice and “Take in the Good”

Posted on October 30, 2018

Soon after I listened to Dr Rick Hanson’s audiobook, The Enlightened Brain*, I had the delightful pleasure of meeting him in person at a mindfulness conference where we were both speaking. Rick is a thought leader in the field of mindfulness and a #1 NY Times Best Selling author. He is also a warm and(read more)

2 Mindfulness Skills for Stressful Times

Posted on October 10, 2018

We all encounter stressful times periodically throughout our daily life. Recently I had a stressful and painful week after unexpected oral surgery that became infected. I was feeling miserable and my patience was used up. I don’t like feeling miserable. Do you? No? That’s what I thought. My thoughts kept getting stuck on how bad(read more)

4 Steps to Finding Contentment

Posted on June 24, 2018

Recently I was asked what my purpose or mission is in life. At first, I said that throughout my career as a psychotherapist and neurotherapist my mission has been to help other people feel better and perform at their peak. But after some more thought I realized that my deeper mission is to experience contentment(read more)

Got Performance Anxiety?

Posted on July 10, 2017

Do you experience performance anxiety? Does your anxiety increase when you are on the spot such as when you are speaking, taking a test, or giving a presentation or a performance? Do you sweat, tremble, get a dry mouth, or feel nauseas? Does your heart race? Then you may have performance anxiety. Use the checklist(read more)

What If You Change the Way You Look at Things?

Posted on August 2, 2016

How do you see the world?  Are you a glass half empty of glass half full person? Do you have a choice about how you look at things? In the left-hand photo of this field the plants look random and chaotic.  But in the second photo of the same plants they look orderly and organized. (read more)