ADHD and Sleep

Sleep Better Tonight!


Attention:  Exhausted adults with ADHD and worn out parents of children with ADHD who have trouble sleeping

Finally, a one-stop holistic blueprint to help yourself or your child with ADHD get great sleep even if you have already tried everything else.

Do you or your child have trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Do you find that you or your child are often too busy to go to bed?  Do you have trouble getting into a regular nighttime routine?  Do you stay up too late to get up in time for school or work?  Do you get easily distracted and forget to get to bed on time?  Do you have trouble quieting your mind? Do you suspect that some foods and drinks keep you or your child awake?  Do you know what else interferes with sleep?  Do you know how to set up the bedroom to get the best sleep?

You are not alone!

Did you know that research confirms that ADHD can have a huge impact on an adult’s or a child’s sleep? Various studies have found that between 25% and 50% of children with ADHD have sleep problems as reviewed in Sleep 2009. Children with ADHD take longer to fall asleep, sleep less total time, have more daytime sleepiness and have differences in their sleep architecture than kids without ADHD.

A study reported in the 2009 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that adults with ADHD went to bed later than control subjects, were more likely to take over an hour to fall asleep, and were more likely to experience difficulty going to bed, going to sleep, sleeping restfully, or waking in the morning. They experienced daytime sleepiness more often and reported more sleep problems than controls. Between 19-32% of people with ADHD have at least moderate sleep problems.  And taking stimulant medication can raise this to 61%.  Holy Moly!  You are not alone!

Use the strategies in this book and companion CDs to rest easy, knowing that you or your child will…

  • Be able to relax and go to sleep more easily
  • Get to bed in time to feel rested the next day
  • Get enough sleep every night
  • Get up on time for school or work feeling refreshed
  • Have more energy every day
  • Eliminate nighttime battles with your child
  • Focus better during the day
  • Better manage ADHD symptoms

This book and CDs set will help you understand how to sleep better by providing:

  • Strategies specific to those with ADHD for designing and following a bed time routine
  • Skills for getting to bed on time
  • A process to help fall asleep faster
  • A sleep meditation that leads you to quiet your busy ADHD mind and allow sleep to come
  • Tactics that help you get up on time
  • Non-medication treatment options for sleep disorders including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurofeedback, and meditation
  • Sleep related behavior management skills for parents.

Let’s look at what you get with this book and companion CDs…

The book includes:

  • What You Need to Know to Improve Sleep for a Child and for an Adult:
    • What Interferes with Sleep
    • Getting to Sleep
    • Getting Up In The Morning
    • Action:  Steps to implement suggestions in book
    • Worksheets that help you set up the bedroom, design a sleep schedule, and determine if ADHD medication is interfering and/or helping with sleep
      • Sleep Required by Age
      • Tips for the Bedroom
      • Child/Adult Sleep Schedule forms
      • Medication/Sleep Diary – are meds interfering with sleep?

The CDs add essential information and resources

CD 1:  Let’s Talk About Sleep
Contains an interview with a sleep expert! She teaches you all about sleep, sleep stages, what interferes with sleep, how to get a good night’s sleep and much more.

CD 2:  Meditation for Sleep
Progressive Relaxation and Guided Sleep Meditation
Helps all ages relax and fall asleep while they listen

What other experts say about this book:

“A true wake up call for anyone with ADHD who struggles with sleep. This book is filled with clinically sound strategies proven to enhance your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested. The skill set you will walk away with from this resource will lead you straight to a good night’s sleep!” – Amit Khanna MD, Diplomate, American Board of Sleep Medicine; Sleep Center Medical Director

Get started now, and help yourself or your child sleep better tonight!

$34.99 Value.  $27.99 for a limited time

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P.S. ADHD and SLEEP: CHILDREN and ADULTS: Sleep Better Tonight! is being used to teach adults, parents, health care professionals, and therapists, how to help people of all ages with ADHD thrive. Isn’t it your turn?