Tag Archives: stress

4 Steps to Finding Contentment

Recently I was asked what my purpose or mission is in life. At first, I said that throughout my career as a psychotherapist and neurotherapist my mission has been to help other people feel better and perform at their peak. But after some more thought I realized that my deeper mission is to experience contentment(read more)

My Journey Into Mindfulness

I was just interviewed by Wuf Shanti about my journey into Mindfulness and how I became an award-winning, best-selling author and mindfulness expert. Hint: it started when I got sick… In the interview I provide directions on how to do one of my favorite mindfulness skills which you can use every day to shift your(read more)

Got Performance Anxiety?

Do you experience performance anxiety? Does your anxiety increase when you are on the spot such as when you are speaking, taking a test, or giving a presentation or a performance? Do you sweat, tremble, get a dry mouth, or feel nauseas? Does your heart race? Then you may have performance anxiety. Use the checklist(read more)

What Are You Practicing? Stress, Anxiety or Contentment?

As I have been studying and practicing mindfulness over the past 30 years I have learned to ask myself this one important question: What am I practicing?  Am I practicing feeling stressed-out, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, discouraged or perhaps something more pleasant? More often than I would like to admit, the answer is yes, I am(read more)

There Is Always Something or Someone to be Thankful For

It is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life.  We often take things for granted and fail to notice and appreciate the abundance and beauty in our lives. Studies show that being mindful of what you are thankful for and even making the effort to thank someone can improve your happiness level. Take a(read more)

What If You Change the Way You Look at Things?

How do you see the world?  Are you a glass half empty of glass half full person? Do you have a choice about how you look at things? In the left-hand photo of this field the plants look random and chaotic.  But in the second photo of the same plants they look orderly and organized. (read more)

Wayne Dyer Taught Me These Skills

As you may know, Wayne Dyer passed away a couple of weeks ago. I was first introduced to Wayne in my 20’s when I read his first book Your Erroneous Zones. I was fascinated and intrigued as I read many more of his books and watched his PBS specials and applied his teachings to my(read more)

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