Tag Archives: stress
Did You Know Stress Can Be Deadly?

Stress Can Be Deadly Stress is anything that places a demand on you and forces you to adjust. It can stem from something positive (such as a new puppy, or a new job) or negative (such as an illness, losing a job, or simply not having enough time to do everything). It’s not the stress(read more)
Why We Should Laugh More

STUDIES SHOW LAUGHTER HELPS Studies show that laughter can be healing, both physically and emotionally. Most of us don’t laugh often enough especially when we feel stressed or ill. Norman Cousins demonstrated the power of laughter in his book Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins described laughter as creating an analgesic effect for the pain caused(read more)
Sick and Tired of Feeling Tired?

Do you struggle with feeling tired all the time, or even a lot? Do you have a sense that you are running on empty or nearly empty as you go about fulfilling your daily responsibilities? Do you wish you had more energy? Are you sick and tired of feeling tired? I had to learn some(read more)
Overwhelmed? How to Accomplish More by Doing Less.

I had the pleasure of hearing happiness expert, Christine Carter, PhD. speak at a mindfulness conference where I was speaking earlier this year. She spoke about three limiting beliefs that contribute to feeling overwhelmed. A limiting belief is a belief that sounds true to you. It sounds perfectly reasonable and valid and you probably can(read more)
4 Steps to Help You Notice and “Take in the Good”

Soon after I listened to Dr Rick Hanson’s audiobook, The Enlightened Brain*, I had the delightful pleasure of meeting him in person at a mindfulness conference where we were both speaking. Rick is a thought leader in the field of mindfulness and a #1 NY Times Best Selling author. He is also a warm and(read more)
2 Mindfulness Skills for Stressful Times

We all encounter stressful times periodically throughout our daily life. Recently I had a stressful and painful week after unexpected oral surgery that became infected. I was feeling miserable and my patience was used up. I don’t like feeling miserable. Do you? No? That’s what I thought. My thoughts kept getting stuck on how bad(read more)
What’s the Most Important Thing to Pay Attention To?

Everyone gets distracted sometimes. ADHD, anxiety and stress often make it even harder to pay attention and stay focused on what needs to be done. The first step in paying attention is to know what you should pay attention to. You can pay attention better when you practice naming what you need to pay attention(read more)
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